We have launched a new advertising campaign where the FrutoNianya and the advertising agency DDB compared the FrutoNyanya line of drinkable cereals with ... the off-switch.
The video shows that the Fruto Nyanya porridge contains cereals that have a long saturation effect, providing the baby with a strong and calm sleep which cannot be disturbed even by a surprise night concert. And, of course, the traditional joke about the FrutoNyanya brand was not left out.
The full version of the video can be found online, and the short version of the video is placed on TV channels.
Marketing Director Anna Ivanova
Senior Brand Manager Maria Schelokova
Brand Manager Roman Schukin
Creativity: Daria Rodcher, Alexandra Polyakova, Natalia Khlestakova, Polina Chernova
Accounts: Simonova Julia, Tatiana Gurina
Producer: Medea Arshba
Strategist: Maria Kuznetsova
Production: Ball-Park
Director: Peter Maguire
Camera-man: Mikhail Kvirikadze
Producers: Olga Yankevich, Anton Zamakhin, Vikenty Chevtaev
Composer: Victor Lamm