On December 21, 2024, the New Year's Eve festival "Moscow, Give Birth!" was held, which became a platform for communication between expectant mothers, experts and brands. The program included educational lectures, master classes, contests and sweepstakes.
At the Infany booth, the guests could test the products, learn more about their composition and features. Yana Vladimirovna Orobinskaya, pediatrician and postgraduate student of the Department of Pediatrics of the Russian State Medical University named after G.N. Speransky, delivered a lecture. She talked about the features of mixed feeding and shared practical recommendations for preserving breast milk.
«The Moscow, Give Birth!» festival was attended by more than 400 expectant mothers, and each of them received a lot of useful advice and felt special care.
Infany was created to ensure that babies receive everything they need for growth and development, and their mothers receive support in raising children. Infany continues its mission — to support mothers without complicating the choice of baby food, helps to preserve strength and energy for a full life.