Children love a multi-fruit combination. With the care of the health of children, FrutoNyanya offers a new product –the multi-fruit juice. Only this is not a mix of unknown fruits, but a mix of fruits that have long been liked by all. Undoubtedly, one of the most important properties of baby food is its healthiness!
Pears and apples are traditional in children's diet and this is the very first fruit which the baby gets to know. Apples contain pectin and dietary fiber, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine. Pears contain potassium, which supports the work of the heart and muscles. Banana is an exotic but very popular fruit in Russia, without it we can no longer imagine the daily diet. For the baby's organism, the banana is very useful in that it contains natural carbohydrates. They are an excellent source of energy. Vitamin C, which is contained in oranges, helps protect the baby from harmful effects of the environment. Also, this fruit contains niacin, which has a positive effect on hematopoiesis, the function of the nervous system. And of course organic acids, which are found in fruits and are necessary for digestion. A unique combination of your favorite fruits will provide the children's organism with useful microelements and will promote active growth and development.