JSC PROGRESS, the leading manufacturer of baby food in Russia, uses exclusively the FSC-certified packaging Tetra Pak for its products, according to a press release from the company.
One of the leaders in the field of baby food production, the company PROGRESS announced a 100% transition to the FSC-certified package Tetra Pak. In JSC PROGRESS, which produces products for young children under the brands “FrutoNyanya” and “Malysham,” believes that the transition to Tetra Pak packaging with the FSC mark and participation in the global ecological movement for the preservation of forests and their inhabitants will help save the planet for the future our children.
The company "PROGRESS" announced the use of exclusively FSC-certified packaging Tetra Pak for its products. Consumers can already see FSC-marking on all products for children of the "FrutoNyanya" and "Malysham" brands without exception. Marketing Director at PROGRESS Anna Ivanova said, "This decision is a logical continuation of our activities. We care for our small consumers, providing them with high-quality food today and preserving for them the riches and biological diversity of Russian forests tomorrow. As the largest consumer of cardboard packaging, we have a unique opportunity to contribute to responsible forest management. The full transition to FSC-certified packaging for us was made possible thanks to our cooperation with the largest manufacturer of Tetra Pak cardboard packaging, a company well-known for its responsible approach to business, every second packaging of which in Russia is now FSC certified.