On May 25, 2016, the brand of baby food "FrutoNyanya" won the "Absolute Brand 2016" competition for outstanding success and mastery in the field of brand creation and promotion. In total, 10 companies were declared winners in ten different categories.
"The organizers of the competition place a special emphasis on the professionalism of the team, which worked on the creation and development of the brand. We can proudly say and confirm that thanks to the well-coordinated work of all employees of PROGRESS OJSC, we have become winners. It should be noted that FrutoNyanya has been proving its exclusiveness in the baby food market for several years already. We receive a lot of different awards and recognition from not only the business community, but also our target audience across Russia, "- says Anna Ivanova, Marketing director at PROGRESS.
In the list of winners FrutoNyanya is marked with the jury’s note "National brand of baby food. Not just survived, but became a leader."
The "Absolute Brand" competition is held annually, starting from 2006. It is a non-profit competition, where nominees are selected independently by members of the independent jury. The jury consists of representatives of leading business media, industry associations and business schools. The moderators of the competition are the International Graduate School of Brand Management IHSBM, BrandLab branding agency and Brand Finance consulting company.
The jury (expert council) in 2016:
Interfax Information Agency
Rambler News Information Agency
Expert business magazine
The Secret of the Firm business magazine
SNOB information publication
AKAR (Association of Communication Agencies of Russia)
APBA (Association of Professional Branding Agencies)
Navigator of the advertising market Adindex.ru
Portal for Entrepreneurs and Growing Business
OOH Mag, magazine on outdoor advertising
4p.ru marketing magazine
Sostav.ru, portal on advertising, marketing and PR
RAEC (Russian Association of Electronic Communications)